Obeying Jesus’ command to preach the Gospel can be fun, rewarding, and easy with the help of the Holy Spirit. The enemy tries to make it seem frightening, but don’t fear, because God is with you. Sometimes people respond negatively, while other times people repent, put their faith in Jesus, and are saved. This is a simple step-by-step guide that will help you share the Gospel effectively with anyone. This isn’t the only way, just a helpful tool.
two questions to help Identify if someone is saved
1) If anything happened to you, do you know for sure that you’d go to heaven?
*If they answer, “Yes,” then say, “That’s great, why do you say so?”
( If you’re still unsure, proceed to question 2. )
2) If you stood before God today and He asked you, “Why should I let you into My kingdom?” What would you tell Him?
( Points to Heaven )
1) Jesus came down from heaven.
2) He never sinned one time, but He did everything right.
3) Therefore He earned eternal life.
Pointer Finger
( Points at People and ourself )
1) We have all sinned
2) and therefore earned the punishment of sin
3) which is death, also known as eternal separation from God.
1) But… Jesus demonstrated the greatest act of love.
2) He took the punishment for our sins.
3) He was crucified and then raised from the dead.
Wedding Finger
( Repentance toward god )
1) The Bible says we have to turn away from our sins,
2) and commit the rest of our lives to Jesus.
3) It’s like someone’s wedding day—they turn away from others and commit the rest of their life to one person.
Smallest finger
( Mustard seed of faith )
1) The Bible also says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord,
2) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead
3) then you will be saved.
QUESTION: Are you willing to do that?
Prayer of Repentance and Faith
If they say, “Yes,” then say, “Great, can I lead you through a short prayer?”
( Remember to pause every few words so they can repeat it. )
“God, forgive me of all my sins. Help me to stop sinning and do Your will. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord, that He died for my sins, and that You raised Him from the dead. Baptize me with the Holy Spirit and help me follow Your lead everyday. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
*Joyfully proclaim that their sins have been removed, they’re a new creation, and the Holy Spirit lives in them now.